A CMS Without Limits

If you're sick of being boxed in by design templates and themes, then your wait is over. Gorilla Tools is an extremely powerful Content Management System that can adapt to any design while offering your site the very best in SEO tools and marketing. All this while offering you the very best site security!

A CMS Without Limits

Contact Us For More Details!

We are always excited to show customers what our platfrom can do. If you are looking to create a new site or for a better web experience, then let us show you what you've been missing!

Awesome Visuals

Awesome Visuals

Flexible Designs

Flexible Designs

Clean Code

Clean Code

Responsive Layouts

Responsive Layouts


Fitting the Needs of Todays Websites

We are proud of the changes we've made in our new version of Gorilla Tools. 

When we built out the original version of Gorilla Tools it offered us all the features that we thought a content mangement system would need. Fast forward seven years, the process and structure of websites had changed dramatically. Obviously, we made updates and changes to our first version of Gorilla Tools, but somewhere along the lines of developement, we realized that our legacy version wasn't structured to do everything we really needed to do for contemporary websites.
We spent several months discussing how to structure our CMS to do several things. 1.) We wanted a CMS that could adapt and work on any design that we came up with. 2.) We wanted to make a marketing platform that could be considered the gold standard for organic SEO. 3.) We wanted to make sure we could do everything else the other platforms could do.

We're confident that we've delivered on both fronts and we're excited to share the possibilities with our customers!

Clean Code

CodeIgniter Framework

CodeIgniter is a fantastic code base to build from for any MVC framework. Our CMS has leveraged their structure to create a very robust code base.

Flexible & Customizable

Flexible & Customizable

Gorilla Tools is one of the most flexible CMS ever created. The structure allows us to build in HTML and attach our CMS afterward. The results are awesome and limitless.

Cross Browser

Cross Browser

Building cross browser websites and back-ends is a challenge for most web companies (if they consider cross browser design in the first place). Our CMS starts off with a huge headstart in terms of functionality.

SEO Friendly

SEO Friendly

Most websites need add-ons or additions to be SEO friendly. Our CMS is built with an SEO first mentality that comes with SEO features built standard. Immediately out of the gate your site will be built to be found.



Are you marketing your company and site in the dark. Every website should be equipped with analytics to help business owners navigate the difficult twist and turns that are common with running a business.

Safe & Secure

Safe & Secure

Website security in todays web environment is paramount. This enterprise CMS is extremely secure. Unlike some of the other larger open source CMS customers use. There are no easy hacks or simple ways to compromise our sites.

What More Is There?

Mobile First Design

When you have a CMS that adjusts to any design, the results are astounding. You can create beautiful mobile first websites that perform optimally on mobile screens with lightning fast loading speeds. In todays web browsing world, mobile first is often the first thought not an after thought.

